Public Eye - Frank Marker Investigates

Leo Kayne: "They Go Off in the End - Like Fruit"
Leonard Kavanagh (1931-2019): Nobody Wants To Know
Sylvia Kay (1936- ): The Bromsgrove Venus
Marie Kean (1918-1993) "It's a Terrible Way To Be"
John Keenan "It's a Terrible Way To Be"
Sheila Keith (1920-2004) "They Go Off In the End - Like Fruit"; "What's the Matter? Can't You Take a Sick Joke?" (2)
Bernard Kelly: "You Have To Draw the Line Somewhere"
David Kelly (1929-2012): "It's a Terrible Way To Be"
Edward Kelsey (1930- ): "Have Mud, Will Throw"
Tom Kempinski (1938-2023): "Strictly Private And Confidential"
Ann Kennedy: "Mercury in an Off-White Mac"; Home and Away (2) 
Elizabeth Kentish (1920- ): "You Can Keep the Medal"
Mary Kenton (1923-2010): "It Had To Be a Mouse"
Barbara Keogh (1929-2005) "Twenty Pounds of Heart And Muscle"; "But What Good Will the Truth Do?"; A Mug Named Frank; Home and Away (4)
Paul Kermack (1932-1990): Fit of Conscience
Annette Kerr (1920-2013): "I Went To Borrow a Pencil And Look What I Found"; Transatlantic Cousins (2)
James Kerry (1937-1994): "It's a Terrible Way To Be"
Karol Keyes - see Luan Peters
Delena Kidd (1935- ): "All the Black Dresses She Wants"; "Take No for an Answer (2)
Mark Kingston (1934-2011): "But They Always Come Back for Tea"
Richard Klee (1930-1994): "All for a Couple of Ponies"
Henry Knowles: Transatlantic Cousins
Estelle Kohler (1940- ): Slip Home in the Dark (21.7.71)
Surya Kumari (1925-2005): Who Wants To Be Told Bad News?
Charles Lamb (1900-1989) "A Harsh World for Zealots" 
Lloyd Lamble (1914-2008): "You Can Keep the Medal"
David Lander (1921-1996): "You Should Hear Me Eat Soup"
John F Landry: The Golden Boy
Mike Lee Lane: Hard Times
Harold Lang (1923-1970) "Memories of Meg"
Anthony Langdon (1939-1990); No Orchids for Marker
Kate Lansbury: "But the Joneses Never Get Letters"
Andrew Laurence (d.1997): Fit of Conscience
Jon Laurimore (1936- ) It's a Woman's Privilege
Margie Lawrence (1935-2010): The Bromsgrove Venus; The Man Who Didn't Eat Sweets; The Trouble with Jenny; Take No for an Answer (4)
Dilys Laye (1934-2009) "You Think It'll Be Marvellous - But It's Always a Rabbit"
Jack Le White (1912-1999): A Family Affair
Rosemary Leach (1925-2017): "They Go Off In the End - Like Fruit"
Richard Leech (1922-2004): "All the Black Dresses She Wants"; Girl in Blue (2)
Michael Lees (1927-2004): Girl in Blue
Barbara Leigh-Hunt (1935- ) "You Should Hear Me Eat Soup"
Barry Letts (1925-2009): "Have It on the House"; "You Can Keep the Medal" (2)
Pauline Letts (1917-2001): They All Sound Simple At First
John Leverett: Slip Home in the Dark
Geoffrey Lewis (1913-1997): "Cross That Palm When We Come To It"
Gillian Lewis: "You're Not Cinderella, Are You?"
Rhoda Lewis (1933- ): "But They Always Come Back for Tea" 
Ronald Lewis (1928-1982): The Fall Guy
Linda Liles: The Golden Boy
Helen Lindsay (1929-2023): "There Are More Things In Heaven And Earth"
Barry Linehan (1925-1996) The Morning Wasn't So Hot
Frank Littlewood (1904-1976)  "It Had To Be a Mouse"
Harry Littlewood (1921-2003): "All the Black Dresses She Wants"
Lala Lloyd (1911-2003): Egg and Cress Sandwiches
Ray Lonnen (1940-2014): Hard Times

Bessie Love (1898-1986): The Beater and the Game
Simone Lovell (1934- ): "It's Learning about the Lies That Hurts"
Ann Lynn (1933-2020): Works with Chess, Not with Life
Margaret Macalaster: The Bromsgrove Venus
Susan Macready: The Bankrupt
Peter Madden (1904-1976): Egg and Cress Sandwiches
Louis Mahoney (1938- ): "But the Joneses Never Get Letters"  
Ray Marioni (1933- ): "'And a Very Fine Fiddle Has He'"
Barbara Markham (1910-1983): The Golden Boy
Aviva Marks; "They Go Off in the End - Like Fruit"
Jean Marlowe: The Bromsgrove Venus
Alex Marshall: "You Can Keep the Medal"
Zena Marshall (1925-2009): "You Have To Draw the Line Somewhere"
Hugh Martin (1914-1999): The Fall Guy
Vivienne Martin (1936- ): "'And a Very Fine Fiddle Has He'"
Hilary Mason (1917-2006): "It Must Be the Architecture - Can't Be the Climate"
Raymond Mason (1924- ): "It Had To Be a Mouse"
Marion Mathie (1925-2012): "Have It on the House"
Jacqueline Maude (1918-2006): "It's Learning about the Lies That Hurts"
Mollie Maureen (1904-1987): Who Wants To Be Told Bad News?
Helena McCarthy (1908-1998): How about a Cup Of Tea?
John McCarthy: "It's a Terrible Way To Be"
Allan McClelland (1917-1989) "They Go Off in the End - Like Fruit"
Colin McCormack (1941-2004): Girl in Blue
Brian McDermott (1934-2003) The Morning Wasn't So Hot; Ward of Court (2)
Betty McDowall (1924-1993): "But What Good Will the Truth Do?"
Maggie McGrath (1919- ) "'And a Very Fine Fiddle Has He'"
Gilly McIver: Welcome to Brighton?
Angus MacKay (1926-2013): Egg and Cress Sandwiches
Nicolette McKenzie: Nobody Wants To Know
Fred McNaughton (1903-1981): "My Life - That's a Marriage"
Lane Meddick (1924- ): "Tell Me about the Crab"
Michael Menaugh; Shades of White
Monica Merlin (1905-1985): Well - There Was This Girl, You See
Kathleen Michael (1917-2004): And When You've Paid the Bill, You're None the Wiser
Ralph Michael (1907-1994): A Family Affair
Peter Miles-Johnson: "It's Learning about the Lies That Hurts"
Robert Mill (1933-2020): Nobody Kills Santa Claus
Magda Miller (1935- ) "But the Joneses Never Get Letters"; Mrs. Podmore's Cat (2) 
Frank Mills (1929- ): "'And a Very Fine Fiddle Has He'"
Ria Mills: "Protection Is a Man's Best Friend"
Zia Mohyeddin (1931-2023): "It Must Be the Architecture - Can't Be the Climate"
Bruce Montague (1939- ): Nobody Kills Santa Claus
Carolyn Moody (1940-1989): "Honesty Is the Best Policy - But Who Can Afford The Premiums?"; A Family Affair (2)
Kevin Moody; Slip Home in the Dark
George Moon (1909-1981): The Fall Guy
Elizabeth Morgan: "You Think It'll Be Marvellous - But It's Always a Rabbit"
Andre Morrell (1909-1978) "No, No, Nothing Like That"; A Mug Named Frank (2)
Artro Morris (1926-2014): "All for a Couple of Ponies"
Cherry Morris (1925-2005): "It Had To Be a Mouse"
Edna Morris (1906-1972) "A Harsh World for Zealots" 
Clive Morton (1904-1975) "What's the Matter? Can't You Take a Sick Joke?"
Clive Moss: Slip Home in the Dark
Maitland Moss: "But What Good Will the Truth Do?"
Pauline Munro (1936- ): "All for a Couple of Ponies"
Eileen Murphy: "'And a Very Fine Fiddle Has He'"
Valentino Musetti (1943- ): Nobody Kills Santa Claus
David Nettheim (1925-2008): "'And a Very Fine Fiddle Has He'"
Barbara New (1923-2010) Welcome to Brighton?; The Fatted Calf
Tricia Newby: The Fall Guy
Geraldine Newman (1934-) "I Went To Borrow a Pencil And Look What I Found"
Karen Newport; "It's Learning about the Lies That Hurts"
Nora Nicholson (1892-1973): A Mug Named Frank
Jack Niles; "Have It on the House"
Carole Nimmons (1942- ): The Golden Boy
Audrey Noble: Don't Forget You're Mine
Larry Noble (1914-1993): "But What Good Will the Truth Do?"; Nobody Wants To Know (2)
John Normington (1937-2007): Horse and Carriage (20.12.72)

John Normington

Helen Shingler (1919-2019) Shades of White
Bert Simms: "There Are More Things In Heaven and Earth"
Richard Simpson; The Trouble with Jenny
Leon Sinden (1927-2015): The Bromsgrove Venus
Mohan Singh: A Mug Named Frank
Raoul Skinner; Paid in Full
Patsy Smart (1918-1996): The Windsor Royal
Julian Somers (1903-1976): The Windsor Royal
Henry Soskin (1930- ): "My Life - That's a Marriage"
Leslie Southwick: "If This Is Lucky, I'd Rather Be Jonah" 
Fay Sparks: "Cross That Palm When We Come To It"
Walter Sparrow (1927-2000); "It's Learning about the Lies That Hurts"
Gladys Spencer (1894-1992): "Memories of Meg"; John VII. Verse 24 (2)
Michael Spice (1931-1983): "Have Mud, Will Throw"; Fit of Conscience (2) 
Guy Standeven (1925-1998): The Windsor Royal
Warren Stanhope (1929- ): Transatlantic Cousins
Barry Stanton (1940- ): "Have Mud, Will Throw"
Tony Steedman (1927-2001): "Cross That Palm When We Come To It"
Pippa Steel (1948-1992): And When You've Paid the Bill, You're None the Wiser
John Steiner (1941- ): "You're Not Cinderella, Are You?"
Brian Stirner: The Windsor Royal
Julian Strange "All For a Couple Of Ponies"
John Stratton (1925-1991); "Twenty Pound of Heart and Muscle" 

Helen Shingler as the timid

Mrs. Biddersloe in 

Shades of White

Virginia Stride (1936- )  Don't Forget You're Mine
Elliott Sullivan (1907-1974) The Beater and the Game
Hugh Sullivan: The Bankrupt
Marie Sutherland: A Fixed Address
George Sweeney (1943- ) Hard Times
Allen Sykes: "Honesty Is the Best Policy - But Who Can Afford The Premiums?"
Cleo Sylvestre (1945-2024): The Bankrupt
Malcolm Taylor (1937-2012): "All the Black Dresses She Wants"; "But They Always Come Back for Tea" (2)
Maurie Taylor: "A Harsh World for Zealots" 
Nina Thomas (1952- ): The Windsor Royal
Varley Thomas (1901-1983): The Comedian's Graveyard
Vanessa Thornton (1927- ) Nobody Kills Santa Claus
Malcolm Tierney (1938-2014): "You Think It'll Be Marvellous - But It's Always a Rabbit"
Alan Tucker (1937-2016): "But What Good Will the Truth Do?"; The Golden Boy (2)
Robert Tunstall (1933-2005): Nobody Kills Santa Claus
Dermot Tuohy (1921-1986): "You Can Keep the Medal"; They All Sound Simple at First  (2)
Michael Turner (1921-2012): Take No for an Answer
Meier Tzelniker (1894-1982): "A Harsh World for Zealots"; "If This Is Lucky, I'd Rather Be Jonah" 
Mick Urry: The Fall Guy
Yvette Vanson: The Golden Boy
Louida Vaughan; "Dig You Later"
Pamela Vezey (1932-1992); Egg and Cress Sandwiches
Margaret Vines (1910-1997): "Memories of Meg"
Leon Vitali  (1948-2022): I Always Wanted a Swimming Pool
Gloria Walker: The Windsor Royal
Lillias Walker (1930-2023) "You Have To Draw the Line Somewhere"; Come into the Garden, Rose (2)
Stanley Walsh (d.2008): "All for a Couple of Ponies"
Derek Waring (1927-2007): Works with Chess, Not with Life
George Waring (1925-2010); Girl in Blue
Richard Warner (1911-1989): A Mug Named Frank
Barry Warren (1933-1994): Ward of Court
Marcia Warren (1943- ): Girl in Blue; Lifer (2)
Kenneth Watson (1931-1998): Paid in Full

Tom Watson (1932-2001): The Beater and the Game
Sally Watts: The Bankrupt
Mary Webster (1935-2014): "Twenty Pounds of Heart and Muscle"
Peter Welch (1922-1984): Fit of Conscience
John Welsh (1904-1985): Egg and Cress Sandwiches
Peter Weston: Hard Times
Arthur White (1933- ): "My Life - That's a Marriage"
Bay White (1918- ): The Bromsgrove Venus; A Family Affair (2)
Leslie White: "You Should Hear Me Eat Soup"
Mela White (1931- ): "You're Not Cinderella, Are You?"
Janet Whiteside (1931-2015): Don't Forget You're Mine
Margaret Whiting (1932- ): "Protection Is a Man's Best Friend"; The Beater and the Game; Fit of Conscience (3)
David Whitworth: The Bankrupt
Sheelah Wilcocks (1910-1992): Nobody Wants To Know
Gay Wilde: How About a Cup of Tea?
William Wilde: "They Go Off In the End - Like Fruit"
John Wilding: The Comedian's Graveyard
Peter Williams (1915-2003): Nobody Kills Santa Claus
Alister Williamson (1918-1999): "What's the Matter? Can't You Take a Sick Joke?"; "If This Is Lucky, I'd Rather Be Jonah" (2) 
Paul Williamson (1929- ): Fit of Conscience
Neil Wilson (1916-1975): "You Should Hear Me Eat Soup"
Geoffrey Wincott (1901-1973): Well - There Was This Girl, You See
Vic Wise (1900-1976): The Morning Wasn't So Hot
Margery Withers (1905-1999): "Strictly Private and Confidential"
Peggy Ann Wood (1912-1998) "You're Not Cinderella, Are You?"; A Family Affair (2)
Anne Woodward: "It Had To Be a Mouse"
Malya Woolf (1915-2003): Lifer
Victor Woolf (1911-1975: But They Always Come Back for Tea

Gilbert Wynne (1934- ): The Morning Wasn't So Hot; No, No, Nothing Like That (2)

Barbara Young (1931-2023) Home and Away

Virginia Stride

Joseph O'Connell: Paid in Full
George O'Gorman: "Twenty Pounds of Heart and Muscle"
Joan Ogden (1913-1997): The Fatted Calf
Brent Oldfield: Slip Home in the Dark
Richard Owens; "All for a Couple of Ponies"
Kenneth Oxtoby: They All Sound Simple at First
Katharine Page (1908-2003): "Have Mud, Will Throw"
Louise Pajo (1940-2020): "Have Mud, Will Throw"
Toni Palmer (1932- ): "Protection Is a Man's Best Friend"
Katherine Parr (1921-2013): "Have Mud, Will Throw" 
Clifford Parrish (1919-2013): "All for a Couple of Ponies"; And When You've Paid the Bill, You're None the Wiser (2)
Alan Partington: The Bromsgrove Venus
Rudi Patterson: "Cross That Palm When We Come To It"
Jacqueline Pearce (1943-2018): "Tell Me about the Crab"
Oscar Peck: Horse and Carriage
Donald Pelmear (1924- ): "Have Mud, Will Throw"
Ann Penfold: The Man Who Didn't Eat Sweets; It's a Woman's Privilege (2)
Michael Pennington (1943- ) Well - There Was This Girl, You See
George Pensotti (1937-2010): "Tell Me about the Crab"
Morris Perry (1925- ): "Protection Is a Man's Best Friend"
Arnold Peters (1925-2013): "Have Mud, Will Throw"
Luan Peters (1946-2017): "Strictly Private and Confidential" (billed as Karol Keyes); Transatlantic Cousins (2)
Maggie Petersen: Come into the Garden, Rose
Dorothea Phillips (1928- )"You're Not Cinderella, Are You?"
Norman Pitt (1911-1986): Slip Home in the Dark
Victor Platt (1920- ): "Tell Me about the Crab"
George Pravda (1918-1985) And When You've Paid the Bill, You're None the Wiser
Dorothy Primrose (1916-1990): "Have Mud, Will Throw"; The Man Who Didn't Eat Sweets (2)
Reg Pritchard (1925-2013): "If This Is Lucky, I'd Rather Be Jonah" 
Anita Prynne: Who Wants To Be Told Bad News?
Maureen Pryor (1922-1977): "But What Good Will the Truth Do?"
Godfrey Quigley (1923-1994) "It's Learning about the Lies That Hurts"
Robert Raglan (1906-1985): "You Think It'll Be Marvellous - But It's Always a Rabbit"
John Rapley (1935- ): "A Harsh World for Zealots" 
Brian Rawlinson (1931-2000): "Protection Is a Man's Best Friend"
Philip Ray (1897-1978): The Golden Boy
Sheila Raynor (1908-1998) Nobody Kills Santa Claus; Don't Forget You're Mine (2)
Charles Rea (1923-1992) Egg and Cress Sandwiches
Donna Reading (1947- ): "What's the Matter? Can't You Take a Sick Joke?"
Edward Rees (1908-1978): "'And a Very Fine Fiddle Has He'"
Harold Reese (1916-1984) Ward of Court
Susan Richards (1898-1988) Paid in Full
Stuart Richman; Slip Home in the Dark
Anne Ridler (d.2011): Welcome to Brighton?
Joe Ritchie (1916-1986): Nobody Kills Santa Claus
Colin Rix (1932-2013): "You're Not Cinderella, Are You?"; "Mercury in an Off-White Mac" (2) 
Ivor Roberts (1925-1999): The Fatted Calf
Joe Rock: Who Wants To Be Told Bad News?
Jack Rodney (1916-1967): "You Think It'll Be Marvellous - But It's Always a Rabbit"
Doris Rogers (1895-1975): And When You've Paid the Bill, You're None the Wiser
Paul Rogers (1917-2013): The Man Who Said Sorry
Harry Ross (1913-2001): "My Life - That's a Marriage"
Gerald Rowland :The Beater and the Game
Gillian Royale: "But What Good Will the Truth Do?"
Ronald Russell (d.1994): "Strictly Private and Confidential"
Barrie Rutter (1946- ): A Fixed Address
Ann Rye: Fit of Conscience
Julie Samuel (1944- ): Ward of Court
Christopher Sandford (1939- ): "You Can Keep the Medal"
Norman Scace (1916-1993): "But They Always Come Back For Tea"
Pam Scotcher; How about It, Frank?
Joan Scott (1920-1998): No Orchids for Marker
Steven Scott (1920-1981) "You Should Hear Me Eat Soup"
Terry Scully (1932-2001): "Twenty Pounds of Heart and Muscle"
Graham Seed (1950- ): Home and Away
Jeffrey Segal (1920-2015): The Bankrupt
Roshan Seth (1942- ): "Tell Me about the Crab"
Peter Settelen (1951- ): The Fatted Calf
Bernard Severn (d.1996): The Bankrupt
Madha Sharma: Who Wants To Be Told Bad News?
Denis Shaw (1921-1971) "Memories of Meg"  
Geraldine Sherman (1944- ) "Cross That Palm When We Come To It"