8. Who Wants To Be Told Bad News? (25.8.71) (repeated 19.6.73) 

9. The Man Who Didn't Eat Sweets (1.9.71) (repeated 26.6.73)

10. Ward Of Court (8.9.71) (repeated 17.7.73)

11. Transatlantic Cousins (15.9.71) (repeated 24.7.73)

12. Shades Of White (22.9.71) (repeated 7.8.73)

13. John VII. Verse 24 (29.9.71) (repeated 14.8.73)

Production order

This is derived from the VTR numbers in the Kaleidscope Guide. Studio recording dates are shown in brackets:

Well - There Was This Girl, You See (26.11.70)
Come Into the Garden, Rose (9.12.70)
Shades Of White (24.12.70)
Slip Home In the Dark (21.1.71)
A Mug Named Frank (4.2.71)
Who Wants To Be Told Bad News? (3.3.71 - first episode made in colour for TV broadcast)
The Man Who Didn't Like Sweets (17.3.71)
I Always Wanted a Swimming Pool (31.3.71)
Ward Of Court (15.4.71)
And When You've Paid the Bill You're None the Wiser (18.2.71)
John VII. Verse 24 (29.4.71)
Transatlantic Cousins (13.5.71)
The Beater And the Game (27.5.71)

Maybe it's a little surprising that A Mug Named Frank was not the first into production, given that it provides the link between the Brighton and Windsor series. It may have been a logistical issue of finding the best time to film in both locations or get the right personnel. Another possibility is the episode was held back in the frustrated hope that the dispute would be ended in time for it to be shot in colour. Generally the production and broadcast orders are quite different. 

Public Eye - Frank Marker Investigates

Percy Firbank (Ray Smith) makes his debut in A Mug Named Frank

The first of the Windsor series, and a return to thirteen episodes. This should have been the first wholly in colour but a number were recorded in black and white due to a technical dispute. Broadcasts were fully networked from 9.00 to 10.00 pm on Wednesday evenings.

The 1973 repeats were in the afternoons, again across the whole ITV network. They ran from 3.25 to 4.20pm. All the colour episodes were re-run by UK Gold in the latter part of 1995.

1. A Mug Named Frank (7.7.71) (repeated Mon 9.4.73)

2. Well - There Was This Girl You See (14.7.71) (repeated 16.4.73)

3. Slip Home In the Dark (21.7.71) (repeated 30.4.73)

4. I Always Wanted a Swimming Pool (28.7.71) (repeated 7.5.73)

5. The Beater And the Game (4.8.71) (repeated 14.5.73)

6. Come Into the Garden, Rose (11.8.71) (repeated 21.5.73)

7. And When You've Paid the Bill, You're None the Wiser (18.8.71) (repeated Tues 5.6.73)