Ken Jones as a conned cafe owner
Here listed are some of the notable actors who appeared in Public Eye over the years. It is certainly not a list of the best performances - many of the best came from relatively unknown figures. In some instances these actors played key roles, in others they were bit-parts, maybe a sign of future stardom. Those actors who played the same character in more than one episode are also included, with the name of the character in brackets.
Trevor Adams (1946- 2000): Many a Slip
Betty Alberge (1922-1991): Who Wants To Be Told Bad News?
Sheila Allen (1932-2011): Shades of White
Paul Angelis (1943- ): "Strictly Private And Confidential"
Alun Armstrong (1946- ): The Fatted Calf
Robin Askwith (1950- ): How About a Cup of Tea?
Rosalind Ayres (1946- ): How About a Cup of Tea?
Nina Baden-Semper (1945- ): "But the Joneses Never Get Letters"; You Can Keep the Medal" (2)
Robin Bailey (1919-1999): "Tell Me About the Crab"
Colin Baker (1943- ): The Man Who Didn't Eat Sweets
Trevor Bannister (1934-2011): "Cross That Palm When We Come To It"
Peter Barkworth (1929-2006): Nobody Kills Santa Claus
Roy Barraclough (1935-2017): Horse and Carriage
Brian Blessed (1937- ): Egg and Cress Sandwiches
James Bolam (1938- ): I Always Wanted a Swimming Pool
Peter Bowles (1936-2022): "A Harsh World For Zealots"; They All Sound Simple at First (2)
Brian Blessed (1937- ): Egg and Cress Sandwiches
Ray Brooks (1939- ): "You Should Hear Me Eat Soup"; "There's No Future In Monkey Business" (2)
Alan Browning (1926-1979): "Dig You Later"
Jeremy Bulloch (1945-2020): John VII. Verse 24
Avis Bunnage (1923-1990): "My Life, That's a Marriage"
Peter Butterworth (1919-1979): "A Harsh World For Zealots"
Judy Buxton (1950- ): Nobody Wants To Know
John Carson (1927-2016): "'And a Very Fine Fiddle Has He'"; "All the Black Dresses She Wants" (2)
Brenda Cavendish (Nell Holdsworth) (1947- ):
A Mug Named Frank;
Well - There Was This Girl, You See...
I Always Wanted a Swimming Pool
And When You've Paid the Bill, You're None the Wiser
Transatlantic Cousins
John VII, Verse 24
Mrs. Podmore's Cat (7)
Peter Cellier (1928- ) (George Enright): Divide And Conquer; Paid In Full (2)
Peter Childs (Ron Gash) (1939-1989):
How About a Cup of Tea?
How About It, Frank?
They All Sound Simple At First
The Fall Guy
What's To Become Of Us?
Take No For an Answer (6)
Brian Coburn (1936-1989): "There's No Future In Monkey Business"
John Collin (1928-1987): "All For a Couple of Ponies"; "Twenty Pound Of Heart And Muscle"; Shades of White (3)
George A. Cooper (1925-2018): "Twenty Pound Of Heart And Muscle"; "Strictly Private And Confidential"; John VII. Verse 24 (3)
Deirdre Costello: Nobody Wants To Know
Graham Crowden (1922-2010): "You Should Hear Me Eat Soup"
Michael Culver (1938-2024): Many a Slip
Ann Curthoys (1942- ): Many a Slip
Jennifer Daniel (1939-2017): A Mug Named Frank; Unlucky For Some (2)
Bill Dean (1921-2000): It's a Woman's Privilege
Pauline Delany (Helen Mortimer from Series 4 onwards) (1925-.2007):
"My Life, That's a Marriage"
Don't Forget You're Mine
all Series 4 except Case For the Defence
A Mug Named Frank
It's a Woman's Privilege
How About a Cup Of Tea? (11)
Basil Dignam (1905-1979): "All the Black Dresses She Wants"
Veronica Doran (1948- ): They All Sound Simple At First
Roy Dotrice (1923-2017): Don't Forget You're Mine
Roy Barraclough and Tony Melody
Lesley Anne Down (1954- ): Shades of White
Carol Drinkwater (1948- ): The Beater and the Game
Leon Eagles (1932-1997): The Bankrupt
Glynn Edwards (1931-2018): "Dig You Later"; Who Wants To Be Told Bad News? (2)
Avril Elgar (1932-2021): I Always Wanted a Swimming Pool
Sheila Fearn (1940- ): "If This Is Lucky, I'd Rather Be Jonah"
Lewis Fiander (1938-2016): No Orchids for Marker
Barry Foster (1931-2002): A Mug Named Frank
Dudley Foster (1925-1973): "I Went To Borrow a Pencil And Look What I Found"; "It Had To Be a Mouse"; Mrs. Podmore's Cat (3)
Julia Foster (1943- ): "Dig You Later"
Edward Fox (1937- ): "If This Is Lucky, I'd Rather Be Jonah"
Derek Francis (1923-1984): "But the Joneses Never Get Letters"
Raymond Francis (1911-1987): The Windsor Royal
Gretchen Franklin (1911-2005): "A Harsh World For Zealots"
William Franklyn (1925-2006): "You're Not Cinderella. Are You?"
Michael Gambon (1940- ): "Have Mud, Will Throw"
Robert Gillespie (1933- ): Fit of Conscience
Ray Barrett (1927-2009): The Bankrupt
Michael Barrington (1925-1988): "It's Learning about the Lies That Hurts"
Michael Bates (1920-1978): Horse and Carriage
Stephanie Beacham (1947- ): My Life's My Own
Ivan Beavis (1926-1997): Ward Of Court; The Windsor Royal (2)
James Beck (1929-1973): "No, No, Nothing Like That"; "But What Good Will the Truth Do?" (2)
Diana Beevers (Angie Gordon) (1944- ): Don't Forget You're Mine; "But They Always Come Back For Tea" (2)
Derek Benfield (1926-2009): "I Could Set It To Music"
Christopher Benjamin (1934- ): "There's No Future In Monkey Business"
Stewart Bevan (Joe Martins) (1948-2022): Nobody Wants To Know; How About It, Frank? (2)
Norman Bird (1924-2005): Lifer
Caroline Blakiston (1933- ): Nobody Kills Santa Claus ; "Mercury In an Off-White Mac" (2)
Jean Kent (1921-2013): Mrs. Podmore's Cat
Annette Kerr (1920-2013): "I Went To Borrow a Pencil And Look What I Found"
Esmond Knight (1906-1987): Many a Slip
Click here for more notable actors in Public Eye
Robert Gillespie
Harold Goodwin (1917-2004): "But What Good Will the Truth Do?"
Mike Grady (1946- ): The Beater and the Game; Home and Away (2)
Deborah Grant (1947- ): A Fixed Address
John Grieve (Jim Hull) (1924-2003): all Series 4 except Divide And Conquer and Case For the Defence (5)
Patricia Haines (1932-1977): "'And a Very Fine Fiddle Has He'"
Georgina Hale (1943-2024): "You're Not Cinderella, Are You?"; "But What Good Will the Truth Do?" (2)
Cheryl Hall (1950- ): Mrs. Podmore's Cat
John Hallam (1941-2006): How About It, Frank?
Billy Hamon (Barry Osborne) (1948- ): Paid in Full; Case For the Defence (2)
Gerald Harper (1929- ): "I Went To Borrow a Pencil - And Look What I Found"
Robert Hartley (1915-1998): Fit of Conscience
Jan Harvey (1947- ): The Fatted Calf
Vivien Heilbron (1944- ): The Trouble with Jenny
Pat Heywood (1931-2024): Horse and Carriage
Geoff Hinsliff (1937- ): "If This Is Lucky, I'd Rather Be Jonah"
Bernard Holley (1940-2021): A Family Affair
Julian Holloway (1944-2025): Unlucky For Some
Donald Houston (1923-1991): The Trouble With Jenny
Karl Howman (1952- ): They All Sound Simple At First
Richard Hurndall (1910-1984): The Golden Boy; How About a Cup Of Tea? (2)
Peter Jeffrey (1929-99): "You Have To Draw the Line Somewhere"
Ken Jones (1930- ): Divide And Conquer
Caroline Blakiston in
John Junkin (1930-2006): "You're Not Cinderella, Are You?"
Diane Keen (1946- ): They All Sound Simple at First
Roy Dotrice